

Chef's notes

So practically all recipes call for you to peel your potatoes. While it does make for a nice looking gnocchi, you can absolutely leave the skins on it, if you like a more rustic looking gnocchi. I do this when I feel lazy all the time and it still turns out great.

When incorporating the eggs and flour, having a spatula or a bread tool is really helpful here.

When you're at the stage of boiling your made Gnocchi, you will know they are done when they float to the top of the pot.


  • 🍳 Cook time: 1 hour


  • 2 pounds of starchy potatoes, (IE 2 large russets)
  • 1/4 cup egg, (lightly beaten)
  • scant 1 cup of unbleached all-purpose flour
  • fine grain sea salt


  1. Fill a large pot with cold water. Salt the water, peel then cut potatoes. Bring the water to boil and cook tell potatos are tender and mashable
  2. Remove potatoes from the water, drain and mash until there are no noticeable lumps.
  3. Let the potatoes cool spread out across your work surface for ten or fifteen minutes. Long enough that the egg won't cook when it is incorporated into the potatoes.
  4. Pull the potatoes into a soft mound. Drizzle with the beaten egg and sprinkle 3/4 cup of the flour across the top.
  5. After the flour and the egg is incorporated into the potato, gently kneed the dough
  6. The dough should be moist but not sticky. It should feel almost billowy.
  7. Cut it into 8 pieces. Gently roll each 1/8th of dough into a snake-shaped log, roughly the thickness of your thumb. Use a knife to cut pieces every 3/4-inch. Dust with a bit more flour.
  8. So this next bit is optional you dont need to do this but it mkae for better looking gnocchi.
  9. To shape the gnocchi hold a fork in one hand and place a gnocchi pillow against the tines of the fork cut ends out.
  10. With confidence and an assertive (but very light) touch, use your thumb and press in and down the length of the fork. The gnocchi should curl into a slight "C" shape, their backs will capture the impression of the tines as tiny ridges (good for catching sauce later). Set each gnocchi aside, dust with a bit more flour if needed, until you are ready to boil them.
  11. Boil the Gnocchi and Serve